Spitty Tata

Spitty Tata
Spitaman (AKA Spitty) Tata moved to Rockford and worked at Woodward for 36 years
in many departments in various roles. Being in Quality and Continuous Improvement at
an Aerospace company that made the “heart of the engine”, there was never a dull
moment. Spitty jokes that in reliability and quality, you not only have to learn how the
item works, but also study how it doesn’t work.
At Woodward, he worked with many customers and never missed a chance to go into
their engine manufacturing shops and flight lines. Thanks to him, his son, Rayo, is an
even bigger Aerospace nut. Both love to visit Aerospace Museums and Airshows –
nothing as exciting as the odor of Jet-A and the roar of a jet engine!!
After retiring from Woodward, Spitty has been involved in many community-related
activities, some voluntary and some paid. Recently, he contracted with the Region 1
Planning Council working on strategies to prepare our region for the onslaught of
emerging technologies. As a volunteer, he works with Eigerlab, Discovery Center
Museum, Wings and Wheels Museum, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockford,
and is helping solidify a network called ACE to accelerate creatives and entrepreneurs.
Spitty lives in Rockford with his wife, Shiraz, psychologist, and son, Rayo, Mechanical
Engineer from RVC/NIU. They all love the region and work on various initiatives to help
the region develop to its full potential. They share their passion for the area with all their
friends and relatives and advocate for it whenever they can.
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