We had so much fun with this project! Our goal was to have people complete 815 Acts of Kindness in honor of Rockford Day. Everywhere we went, people had huge smiles on their faces! There were so many incredible stories and acts of kindness that occurred.
27 businesses all across the city participated by posting Kindness cards for pick-up. 12 of them also accepted donations for the Rockford Rescue Mission. Here are some of the heartwarming stories:
- 14,292 forks, 12,683 spoons, 11,254 plates, plus 3,535 other tableware items donated to the Mission
- Marcia Rigney family handed out 815 Thank You notes to people our community.
- Someone left $8.15 in envelopes with cashiers at several businesses to bless someone when they came to pay.
- Space Case Sarah hosted 13 kids in her front yard making bottle rockets and other cool science experiments.
- Mayor Tom McNamara handed out bottles of cold water to folks on the bike path.
- Several police officers including Chief Redd took on the challenge.
- Several people left their server a big tip after their meal.
- Paula Olson made a batch of cookies and handed them out to her neighbors, meeting several of them for the first time.
- Find more inspiring stories using #BeKind815
What do you say we make this an annual event to celebrate Rockford? Thank you Rockford for the Grand Slam!!!!! You made us so proud!